Saturday, July 9, 2011

Poverty is evil!

“The greatest of evils and the worst of crimes is poverty... our first duty – a duty to which every other consideration should be sacrificed—is not to be poor.” George Barnard Shaw

Every time I walk in the street and see poor people I think about it and say to myself I could as well be this poor if I were to be sacked from job and remain unemployed for six months, every time I see men and women working in the old age I reflect it on me that I could wind up just like them, when I think of the beautiful dreams of my vacations in resort islands I realize that they could remain just dreams unless I do something different.

Have you asked yourself these and other similar questions, what are your answers. Let us share them here and see how we could work together to realize our beautiful dreams. The dreams of our young ones attending the best universities there is, the dreams of our beautiful homes becoming reality, the dreams of buying the best luxuries for our loved one.... let us dream on and work to realize these dreams... IT IS POSSIBLE IF WE DARE TRY WHAT WE DAY DREAM... there is no short cuts, the only way that we can tell whether our dreams can be realized is by trying!

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